Young IP Law Ambassador Award

February 23, 2012 by: 0
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We invite all law students with a strong interest in Intellectual Property (IP) to enter this challenging competition to become the next Young Thai IP Law Ambassador. Application deadline: 11 May 2012


The winning team will receive a two week, all expenses paid study visit to Hong Kong, a work attachment at a leading law firm and a trophy from the Supreme Court. The Young Thai IP Law Ambassadors are selected after two rounds of competition, comprising essays and a moot (mock) trial in a real court room.


The award aims to raise awareness of IP among young Thais, and is managed by the British Council in partnership with the Central Intellectual Property and International Trade Court,


BIOTEC and True Visions with support from the British Embassy Bangkok, Baker & McKenzie, National Food Institute, Norton Rose, Rouse, Siam Premier and Tilleke & Gibbins.


For more information please contact:

Khun Piyarat Naranirattisai

Such:             02 657 5634

Fax: 02 253 5311

E-mail: piyarat.naranirattisai @

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