Archive for ทุนต่างประเทศ

Engineering Scholarships at Kyung Hee University, South Korea

POSTED BY   /  29 กันยายน, 2012  
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emblem1(3) ทุนปริญญาโทและปริญญาเอกด้าน วิศวกรรมโยธา (Civil Engineering, Transportation (Pavement), Civil Materials) ณ Kyung Hee University ประเทศเกาหลีใต้ ประจำปีการศึกษา 2013..
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International Excellence Scholarships at U. of Leeds

POSTED BY   /  28 กันยายน, 2012  
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University of Leeds offers Postgraduate Scholarships in the field of Engineering for International Students, 2013 UK, Scholarship Application Deadline: 30 June 2013 (for entry in 2013), You only need to complete one application from for all scholarships...
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Komai Fellowship Program for Southeast Asian Researchers

POSTED BY   /  27 กันยายน, 2012  
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The Hitachi Scholarship Foundation offers Komai Fellowship Program for Southeast Asian countries and Japan in the field of social and cultural science, Japanese economy and Japanese industry, Japan 2012..
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AstroMundus–Erasmus Mundus Masters Scholarships

POSTED BY   /  27 กันยายน, 2012  
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Erasmus Mundus offers Masters Scholarships in Astronomy and Astrophysics for International students at 5 Universities in Austria, Italy, Germany, Serbia 2013..
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Sydney Law School Foundation International Scholarships (Combined Law)

POSTED BY   /  26 กันยายน, 2012  
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The Sydney Law School offers Scholarships for International Students in the field of Law, Australia 2013, Scholarship Application Deadline: 29 January 2013..
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HHMI International Student Research Fellowships,USA

POSTED BY   /  24 กันยายน, 2012  
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The Howard Hughes Medical Institute offers Student Research Fellowships for International PhD Students in Biomedical and Related Sciences, USA 2013-2014..
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EMBL PhD Programme for International Students

POSTED BY   /  24 กันยายน, 2012  
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European Molecular Biology Laboratory offers Doctoral Research Position for International Students, 2012/13 ,Scholarship Application Deadline: Registration Deadline:12 November 2012, Submission Deadline:19 November 2012, Reference Deadline :21 November 2012..
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Sydney Achievers International Scholarships

POSTED BY   /  24 กันยายน, 2012  
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Sydney Achievers International Scholarships at the University of Sydney for new international undergraduate students,Australia 2013..
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HKSAR Gov. Scholarships at Hong Kong Polytechnic U.

POSTED BY   /  21 กันยายน, 2012  
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HKSAR Government offers Scholarships for National and International Undergraduate Students at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong 2012/13..
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