Bank of Thailand's capital last year. Undergraduate engineering students - economics abroad. (Come to deadline 9 February 56)
The entrance exam for the recruitment of individuals who have completed high school sentence.
(New venture.. End)
Bank of Thailand to study at foreign fixed the year 2556.
The Bank of Thailand. (BOT) It provides scholarships to individuals who successfully complete high school sentence. (New venture.. End) To study abroad.
Annual Examination 2556 has been declared the capital such as the following.
1. Grants Apply. . Number 3 On capital.
(1) Faculty of Engineering. 1 The capital.
(เครื่องกล หรือ Mechatronic Engineering)
The United States, England, Germany.
(2) Department of Economics. 2 The capital.
The United States, Britain, Australia, Japan, China.
If the school has a good bot.. May be considered for graduate study in the field.
The BOT.. Set
Download the application. : Here