A talk with a van in Miami International University of Denver students, people from the New York City in the Inter Fair. 2012
With.University of Miami, Van Den. (Amina Van Den Sanden)Good students from the Faculty of Arts. (Faculty of Communication Arts) Stamford International University of Oxford. (Stamford International University)Professional dance Hip Hop., Jazz Dance, Cover Dance will join the class discussion.
In connection with.
1. The cost of international education in Thailand.
2. The English language.
3. Connection เพื่อนต่างประเทศ, The foreign
4. Environment in the country.
5.To foreign cultures.
6.The next higher level.
In dialogue."International education in Thailand VS.. To the outside ".
Date 8 April 2555 Time 11.00 – 11.45 The.. AtCenter stage.โซน EH105
Festival of International Education.Inter Fair 2012
Register and attend this seminar. : International School in Thailand VS.. To the outside.